
(the important roommate)

I have two roommates. One never gets any calls and is always in the room while the other one always gets calls and is never in the room. Invariably they ask when she's going to be back, but truth be told, I have no clue, nor do I care to find out. One of my current projects is to get some voice inflection that sounds like I care and like I am not pissed off that they are asking. It is failing miserably because I don't care and I am pissed off that they are asking. Case in point: phone call five seconds ago. However, what really gets me is when she calls and asks if anyone has called for her. Dude, I know you're important and you have important activities, an hour or two or three isn't going to kill anyone from the school newspaper or your Bible study group. I should take the advice from the other roommate, don't answer the phone.


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