
random entry.

overnight dikes. that's what you get when you have a natural tendancy to invert letters, numbers and well, lines of text while looking through your spam. at least it wasn't russian...

A few days ago, i lost all my favorites in Mozilla. I have no idea why. Most of them were left over in IE, but some, i'm afraid are gone forever. Very sad. But yet, i can't help but think that if i can't remember them, i probably didn't look at them all that much so it shouldn't be a big deal, right? yet still, there is a sense of loss.

oh, i'm reading "Me Talk Pretty One Day" by David Sedaris. You should read it as well.

i've been thinking about putting up my sidebar links. But I'm too lazy to right now.

heh. russia, the tourist trap. heh. would that be Moskva ili Leningrad?

hey, intersting fact that i just figured out like last week: Persia is now Iran. This is helpful to me, because I used to hear Persia and i internally was like "where the fuck is that?" but now my geography mind has been broadened. yay.

i leave you with some gibberish.
yay gibberish!


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