

So, i think the thing from earlier this week is taken care of. Apparently it was a former grimmie (which makes me happy, because i really didn't want it to be a current one, i love them all) who was doing crap while high. so, yeah, people are stupid.

speaking of stupid people, my roommate locked me out. um, i'm calling myself stupid because i didn't bring my key, not my roommate stupid because she did it. even more so, i'm even stupider because i don't want to knock on our suitemate's door to let me in, because i think i've already don't that once this week.

speaking of week, this has been one crap-tastic week. i've been a HORRIBLE studen. absolutely horrible. We had a quiz yesterday in islam and it went bad. today in ode's we had a quiz and i was like "oh holy crap, i don't know how to separate those variables. please, please, please don't let that be a partial fractions integral!" but then i figured out what i was supposed to do, and he gave us the solution as we turned it in. i was out in the hall doing the "100% happy dance" when all of a sudden i didn't remeber whether i put -1 or +1 at the end, and i had to stop the *100% happy dance* and it was sad times. sad times indeed.

speaking of... no wait. not sad times, but happy times, I have found some splendid free music on line. when i get back to my computer, i might post some links but i don't have them right now.


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