
old people.

so, my newest theory is : i want to skip my 40's. i mean, the forties are the yuckiest years. it's total transition time. you're too old to wear young people clothes but too young to wear old people clothes. you're most likely finished having kids, and the ones you have are getting into their teenaged years. eeew. i don't want to deal with kids that age. you see your parents getting older. anyway, when you're 50, things kinda calm down, in my opinion. you get the menopause, or complete that process. you get the grey hair, but grey hair is cool. you've finished getting "comfortably fat" and can work out with the honest intention of staying healthy, because it's people in their forties that want to trim down.


also, yesterday i was $40 short in my drawer, i'll find out tomorrow if they found it. tomorrow's also "go to springfield day to see a friend" last friday was supposed to be one of those days, but it turned out not to be. however, yay for target, yarn & the palace.



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