
for emily.

Things I would take if I were going to run away (hm. future hypothetical?)

*huge-ass water bottle
*running shoes
*herbert, the hungry-hungry hippo.
*my shoe-box of hs/acada memories/diploma
*Paul (computer)
*i'm debating over cds vs. mp3's that paul has.
*graphing calculator
*anton's calculus: sixth edition + calc I notes.
*size I crochet hook (green)
*a new regular & supersized buttbook
*three mechanical pencils and a minimum of ten pens.
*toothbrush + toothpaste + shampoo + conditioner + soap.
I can live without shaving or makeup, but these are things i need.

I have not resolved the clothing issue. How many clothes do you take with you when you run away?


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