
late night ramblings.

what excatly does one do with a mathematics degree? how does one use a b.a. in philosophy/religion? my mom majored in philosophy and worked in quality control for 20 years before going back to school for medical transcription. And arabic. let's not forget that little thing. let's say i actually get to morocco or lebanon or somewhere and really get to learn arabic. then what?

tomorrow's my last day at work. then i'm going down to ark. to visit my grandmother s mamoi. then i'll be away at my sister's house for a week.

do you ever feel like you're just waving your hands around trying to figure out who you are or what you want to do with your life? my sister's five years older than me, she actually graduated from the same college i'm at now. i see her, and she doesn't know what she wants for a career. she was in the middle of a two year radiology tech program, but now doesn't think she wants to finish it. she's worried about finding a job, or moving somewhere where both her and her husband can find a job. and now she's wanting to do this online college for library science or something. she doesn't know. and in some ways, that's fine by me, but in some ways, i just want to say "buck up and pick something"

but she's trying to find something she likes to do. i'm the kind of person, i'd finish the program, find a job and stick with it for years even if i absolutely loathed it because there's no way i'm quitting. no. fucking. way. i'm. quitting. ever. that's just the kind of person i am. i made my choice, and i'm sticking with it. i chose math. i chose russian. i chose philosophy/religion. and although you can tell me "you can drop your second major" you're wrong. because i can't.


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