
going home pt. I

as i was walking out of my last final, philosophy, i had the urge to yell, teen-girl-style "IT'S OVA!!!" but i didn't, because alas, my sense of duty to those poor people still in their finals. although now that i think about it, i believe that was the last scheduled final of the semester. oh well.

and then there was preparing to go home: my mom and grandmother came up. it's a six hour drive home. i didn't sleep the night before (so paper time didn't work out like i wanted.) first there was the selling of the books back. of which, i kept my russian*, algebra**, calculus***, health**** and most of my philosophy. which means that after i spent over four hundered dollars on books, i got fifty back. On the way to the bookstore, I tried to retell an entire dialouge between me and a suitemate to my roommate*****, without using the word "like." It was very difficult.

*russian: total cost was over $110, used. one workbook with minimal writing in it. who buys back used workbooks? who buys used workbooks. apparently i do, when there is no other option. since i'm taking the next semester next semester, i opted to keep the book.

** algebra. aka "contemporary abstract algebra" by gallian. includes "inspirational quotes/beetles song titles and lyrics" before the problem sets. ditto the taking next semester.

***Calculus. aka the math class from hell, Apostle-style. taken with none other than "easy-A Easly" the title is obviousy facetious. no way in hell i'm taking it next semester. That's not exactly true. I would, if a) i knew i passed this semester, which i don't. and b) it wasn't scheduled at the same time as Islam. gotta take the islam

**** Health a) it's an old edition they wouldn't buy back and b) i actually learned some stuff when i read it, as opposed to listening to the professor, also c) it's got some cool charts for food caloric/nutrition info.

*****it turns out that my major is math, and so is one of the current suitemates. my roommate's major is english as is the other current suitemate. i found this out last night.


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