

oh extended weekend! went up to des moines with josh to visit my sister and her husband. It was quality fun. josh & i bought disposable cameras to take photos with. and i was really kinda pissed with myself for forgeting my digital camera, but i hope we still got some high quality pictures.

Truman should have some kind of eastern dance class, like indian or something. nepalese. i would totally do that.

Des Moines is a beautiful city. I'm happy Marci's living there, and the place she works is extrmemely cute. I can't wait to go back and try walking all over downtown on the skywalks, which connect all of the buildings downtown.

I register today. I'm excited about next semester.

QuikTrip Rocks.



i don't have anything to say except that i'm busy and love regina spektor.
realy really busy. and really really love. new music is good.
i'm hungry.
open koran quizzes mean that i don't read the koran before class.
so, for this ODE's paper, are we supposed to do math research or book/summary research? because i'm confused.


spring break

i wish i had something exciting to do over break, but instead i am going through shower and alex withdrawls.

edit: um, but not shower & alex together withdrawls. they are completely separate except for the fact that i can't have either of them at home.



okay, so, i think the deal is someone asked me five questions that i answered, now i'm offering five people the chance to be interviewed with five personalized questions.

my questions are from kelbe.

1) What made you get into your current fields of study?
The Middle East & Math History? (more generally Mathematics and Philosophy/Religion) Hm... I was really good at math in high school, and with a math degree you don't have to write any papers generally, so that's what pulled me in. I'm not sure what made me stay, except that I'm still interested in it, but it's hard! and with philosophy/religion i have to write papers. As for philosophy and religion, i think that discovering other cultures through their religion is very interesting. I also find what other people believe to be very intriguing.

2) Describe your ideal sandwich.
ooh. this one is easy! Croissant with smoked turkey and cheddar. mmm, so tasty. (i had two today, one for lunch and one for dinner)

3) If you would only watch one DVD for the rest of your life, what would it be and why?
um, i'm gonna cheat on this one. I think I would compile stuff from the internet and burn it, stuff like rejected and "save the pinatas" and the german safety video, etc.

4) If money and time were no object, what would you do?
learn arabic and run a marathon

5) What will you be doing for Pi Day (March 14)?
well, it's the middle of spring break, so i'm hoping to be resting it up. Although the math clubs are celebrating "pi day observed" since it is in the middle of break. watching the movie pi, i think, not sure what else.

Thanks, kelbe! comment if you want to be interviewed.



I ran across Giacomo's axioms in my binder today, which were followed by my own, and i realized that so far this semester I have broken the first two.
(0. don't have crushes; 1. don't tell people who you have a crush on)

however, i've totally kept 4 & 5 very well so far (4. write letters; 5. look up word definitions for proper use)

and i totally need to watch barbie nation sometime.


can i just say that i hate russian? because i totally do. I'm so frustrated. I don't understand it at all and ... studying is futile.

On Saturday, Rotaract Club showed a movie: Osama and went to see it (of course) and this time i managed to convince at least three other people to go as well. which is super-exciting. If you are unaware of this beautiful movie, it is about a twelve year old girl living with her mother and grandmother in the taliban-ruled afganistan. It is in no way a light fluffy movie, on the contrary, it is very sad. but well worth your time. It's actually in Pashto, a language of Afganistan and sometimes I can hear russian words. I swear they used a derivitive of "bolshoi" and "priydet dush" for raining. Maybe I'll ask my russian professor, as she was there. Anyway, I highly recommend Osama.

I didn't get all of my interviews for Phi Sigma Pi done for last week, but since I did really well on my quiz, I almost made up for it, i think.

I'm slowly increasing my store of foreign music. I currently have: thai pop, chinese pop, japanese pop (hopefully more once my japanese friend sends more), Russian pop & folk (but the folk is really bad, and the pop is t.a.t.u but in russian) french from the 40's. does bob count as foreign? what about Bjork?

So, it's four am and i haven't even tried to go to sleep. what's the point, I don't think I would be able to even if I tried. Russian. must do more Russian.

I've been thinking about teaching. I've been thinking about math. I've been thinking about the peace corps. I've been thinking about teaching math in the peace corps. I've been thinking that if my parents don't want me to go to morocco for the summer, there's no way in hell they'll be pleased with the idea of going to some random place for two years. especially in somewhere where they need peace corps workers. But I also think that they're really very wrong.

I should ask Aleksander the Bulgarian for music from Bulgaria.
I should ask Alexander the German for music from Germany.
It's really hot down here.

I really like the song "down in the river to pray" by alison kraus.
I could probably listen to it ten times in a row.
I'm about 250 songs away from being finished.


Zebra Cakes

it's two in the morning, and i'm trying to write a bit about leibniz without calling him insane and a moron, considering he is kinda a "founding father" of both mathematics and modern philosophy. but really, Monads? wtf, mate?^^

i need to have 10 interviews done by sunday evening. i've done 3 and have three more set up for later on. how to get 4 more? three of which need to be exec-board. GAH!

on a happier note, i'm about 450 songs away from having listened to all the music in my computer. i was debating between the preposition "in" and "on" and while "on" might be more colloquial, "in" is much more... litteral.

the rotaract club is showing "osama" this weekend. i'm super-psyched. i'm totally going. i think i told the wrong time on the email i sent out. oops. (and yeah, i still think "our own people spit" whenever i hear/say that)

i'm having difficulties seeing straight. i need sleep, but i also need to write this thingy and read more book for islam. it's interesting and all, that, but i just can't get into it. so much history! and i'm like two and half weeks behind on my worksheets. i really hope he takes them still. i need to find out when his office hours are, and i really want to eat peachies. yeah. that sound REALLY good.

um... "if you're a german philosopher and you wanna go "WEEEE!" but you ain't got friends left, hold on to your little monads, and life. monads and life"

When it comes to philosophy, I'm stuck on math.



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i'm not neglecting you. i promise,