

So, I think i've said this before, but i was promoted at my work place and now i'm checking. Last summer I was a carry-out, but this summer i've been trained to check. ug! it's so stressful to have to deal with people that much. Generally they are nice and patient and everything, but i just feel like i'm not getting everything or that i'm screwing something up majorly or ARG!. I HATE PEOPLE. oh. i feel much better now. I HATE PEOPLE! So tomorrow, I'm carrying out again. and then Saturday I have to check for 8 hours. Linda says i'm doing fine, and I trust her, i'm just a little stressed right now. it should calm down, i think. just give me a week or two.

also - yahoo mail rocks because i get spam in russian and hebrew. new alphabets excite me!

makin like a tree and leave(in) wow, that didn't work. sleep. out.


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