
KME survey

Major Mathematics and Philosophy/Religion

Minors (none)

Class Level How do you want to count? I'm claiming Sophomore for the rest of the semester.

Math Courses Calc, Discrete, Intermediate Analysis, Linear Algebra, Stat 290, Topology

Would you be willing to tutor other students? If so, what classes? Through calculus II

What has been your favorite math course? Intermediate Analysis

Favorite professor quote "I'm going to make you think like physicists, but don't worry, I'm not going to induct you into some kind of 'physicist cult' or anything. I'm not going to make you eat rice." (non-math)

Hometown Marionville, MO

What high school did you graduate from? Marionville High School, AS from Northwest Missouri State University through the Missouri Academy of Science, Mathematics, and Computing

What are your plans after graduation? ("I don't know" is a sufficient answer):

I plan to have been accepted to graduate school, defer for two years to Teach for America and then go back to school for some sort of advanced degree. After that, I will teach at a small liberal arts college in a large town. I also plan on "obtaining" a white chem lab jacket and a golf cart. I will wear the jacket while driving the cart and offering students rides. They will be lured in by my niceness and sensible drving, but when they get in I will strap on a helmet and drive fast, nearly running into people, trees and aiming for squirrels. I will drop them off on the wrong side of campus, for example: if they want to go to McClain, I will take them to Stokes staduim. I will then ride off cackling.

Or I won't finish school and I'll run away to Oregon, where I will make my living by singing Bob Marley songs in karaoke bars and selling knitted knickknacks of Ras Tafari. Having reached my personal promised land, I will grow discontent because it is far from perfect. Over the years, I will gain a massive following, I will convince this following that the Canadians are spying on us and that they are planning on passing over Washington to directly invade our beautiful state of Oregon. There will be a titanic uprising. This uprising will scare off the Cadandias and we will go back to our laid back lifestyle, realizing that Oregon is indeed as perfect as earth can get. Hm, come to think of it, I could actually do the golf cart thing in Oregon as well...

I mean, "I don't know."

That wasn't too over the top, was it?


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