
russian and two days of classes.

So, for like five hours today I was totally convinced that I was going to drop russian. Like I was waiting for 3:00 so I could be out of class and with my acadmic advisor to drop the crap out of russian. then about four o clock came. and i was like "let us see how this 'drill session' goes" if it was bad, i'd drop. if it were fine... there's no fucking way it's going to be fine. i'm going to have the russian scared out of me by a native speaker!

and then i was like. NO. I surivived a year of this russian thing. I can do it again. I really fucking want that BA philosophy/religion. really want it. ochen' khoshesh'. So five o clock came around and i was like "I'm not dropping russian." and my roommate laughed. So be it.



i'm back at school. new dorm.
my theme for the semester: "She refused to believe things could be the same in different places, and since what had gone before was so bad, what was to come must certainly be better." ~Gustave Flaubert, Madame Bovary

i'm pretty sure that the rest of the book goes on to prove that she's stupid for thinking/saying that. but i didn't get that far, so we're not going to acknowledge that. (double points for spelling acknowledge right on the first try.)

i'm going to slow my running program down and repeat week two next week, instead of trying to fartlek for 40 min. totally not ready for that.

i've got most of my stuff in place in my room (although my roommate would probably beg to differ on that one. i totally pimped my bed. new schedule all pretty on my computer, once i know when my fourth russian class is, i'll add that and print. i have mastered the excel. or making the excel schedule look pretty

also, I LOVE GRIM. absolutely love it. i was walking back to the dorm, and i was thinking about how i should just go to the lounge and knit for a whild to chill. and i walk in, and like it's filled with people crocheting. this place ROCKS.


in a hurry

OH my battery's about to die, i just wanted to do a quick post and say "hi" and bye" i'm planning on next semester cutting WAY back on internet and blogging. i haven't exactly decided how much, but i know i'm gonna have to study much harder and i'm hoping on switching the blog content to be more school-work related (philosophy, math, russian, rural america and running). hopefully it will keep me entertained.


home again. need to bathe, but must run first.



aka. week two, day one. walk ten, jog 7, walk 1, jog 3, walk some, run some walk some more run some more walk the rest until 35. good day.

for running. not so much for actual "day-ness" hm. actually i take that back. the day was pretty fine too. it's just this evening that's not panning out too well. maybe it's the endorphines wearing off (i swear, they work like magic every time) or maybe it was that bad movie. but something has crashed and i'm on the track to lethargic. or maybe apathetic.

USA took 1 - 2 - 3 in men's 400 meters. how awesome is that?

i totally bought the kevin lyttle cd when marci & i were wandering kc yesterday. good investment -- it was only ten dolla. although trying to find it was an interesting time in and ove itself. yeah. i just spelled of "ove" back off. i'm sleepy. and i think this is where i should sign off.


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oh. my. god. russian channel has a tv show, originally in english, "escape from planet earth" it has the original english underneath the spoken russian translations. this is so freaking awesome.


last night.

you know you've been watching too much olympic gymnastics when:
sister: do you want corn or green beans with dinner?
dana: green beans -- they're better for you.
sister: not by the time i'm done with them.
dana: well, they have a higher "start value" at least.

yeah, dana needs to cut back on the olympics.


day five

i opted to skip day four, because it was a rest day. also litterally nothing happened. or was that figuratively. yeah, spend the day in town with a friend, we went to hastings and i read book one of a series of unfortunate events. lots of fun, i recommend it. also, saw princess diaries II. loved the first one, and the second was quite good. yay times all around.

day five included walk 10 min/ jog 10 / walk 10. and since i was in a new place, it was kinda weird. but! all went pretty well, and MAN are those endorphines kicking in. or it might be the chocolate, but i think it's the endorphines. yes, definatly those. mmm endorphines!


day three

so, i finished another of my days of running.
walk 10, jog 10, walk 10. mmm good. i wasn't able to go as far this time, but it still felt very good. i'm leaving to visit my sister today, she's got to get her house packed up because they're moving to des moines (and yes, you should imagine me pronouncing the s's because it's just funner that way) in september. we're planning on going up to visit. i'm in desparate need to be away from missouri. i mean, i *heart* mo, but really. need to get away.
okay, out.


do. not. rent. hidalgo.

today was a rest day for running. my sister came down. we rented hidalgo. i very much wanted to see this movie, seeing as it's in al-middle east and all that. but really, it was bad. i mean, i know it's disney, but couldn't they at least speak english with an accent. also, the switching back and forth between subtitles and english, not a good idea. you aren't a foriegn film, nor an art film. you do not get that privelegde. you should have stuck with english. and you should have made your actors have some kind of accent training. that's all i have to say about that.


"yeah that silly show called what? pseudonym?"

okay, so i feel like shit, but the uni roommate is making me feel better & doesn't know it. ran today. 10 min run/ 10 jog / 10 walk. but i have this headache that won't go away. i also have this big annoying irritant that won't go away. but yeah. i'll deal with that never.

bjork sang at the opening of the olympics and i was mad at the commentators for talking over her. stupids.

and, i'm out now. sleep must be good.


i need to run. begin to run. i want to run.


late night ramblings.

what excatly does one do with a mathematics degree? how does one use a b.a. in philosophy/religion? my mom majored in philosophy and worked in quality control for 20 years before going back to school for medical transcription. And arabic. let's not forget that little thing. let's say i actually get to morocco or lebanon or somewhere and really get to learn arabic. then what?

tomorrow's my last day at work. then i'm going down to ark. to visit my grandmother s mamoi. then i'll be away at my sister's house for a week.

do you ever feel like you're just waving your hands around trying to figure out who you are or what you want to do with your life? my sister's five years older than me, she actually graduated from the same college i'm at now. i see her, and she doesn't know what she wants for a career. she was in the middle of a two year radiology tech program, but now doesn't think she wants to finish it. she's worried about finding a job, or moving somewhere where both her and her husband can find a job. and now she's wanting to do this online college for library science or something. she doesn't know. and in some ways, that's fine by me, but in some ways, i just want to say "buck up and pick something"

but she's trying to find something she likes to do. i'm the kind of person, i'd finish the program, find a job and stick with it for years even if i absolutely loathed it because there's no way i'm quitting. no. fucking. way. i'm. quitting. ever. that's just the kind of person i am. i made my choice, and i'm sticking with it. i chose math. i chose russian. i chose philosophy/religion. and although you can tell me "you can drop your second major" you're wrong. because i can't.


i'm back. of sorts.