

So, i met up with kelbe today and we went to a yarn shop. i didn't actually buy any yarn, but i got this really cool book with lots of patterns and now i'm just itching to start up again. also, 13 going on 30 is a fantabulous movie.


[edit] ps. they found my 40 dollars in checks, so... whew!


old people.

so, my newest theory is : i want to skip my 40's. i mean, the forties are the yuckiest years. it's total transition time. you're too old to wear young people clothes but too young to wear old people clothes. you're most likely finished having kids, and the ones you have are getting into their teenaged years. eeew. i don't want to deal with kids that age. you see your parents getting older. anyway, when you're 50, things kinda calm down, in my opinion. you get the menopause, or complete that process. you get the grey hair, but grey hair is cool. you've finished getting "comfortably fat" and can work out with the honest intention of staying healthy, because it's people in their forties that want to trim down.


also, yesterday i was $40 short in my drawer, i'll find out tomorrow if they found it. tomorrow's also "go to springfield day to see a friend" last friday was supposed to be one of those days, but it turned out not to be. however, yay for target, yarn & the palace.



um. i'm irritable. stupid kyle's really fucking stupid. and.... i hate people.... and rar.
supid kyle.



Ashely: Are you Austin's mom or dad?
dana : What? Jackie doesn't have any children! And What? she's a girl!

(i've learned how to not speak at work, because there's just no way to respond to that, besides the fact, i'm pretty sure i heard incorrectly.)

a few nights ago, i was talking about the middle east with a friend, and she asked me point blank, when are you going? and i was like... heh, yeah, right. but it's true. when am i going? I really want to, and why shouldn't i. So my new motto is:
Summer 2005: AUB or DIE!
(now, how to tell the parentals. . . )


book #5

"She refused to believe things could be the same in different places, and since what had gone before was so bad, what was to come must certainly be better."
~Gustave Flaubert, Madame Bovary


quality content, my ass.


people from work can be irritating: i have another ashely. (heh, even with the same name) also, the store just shouldn't hire people named "justin" it just isn't a good idea. case in point, the first justin who isn't working there anymore, another one: the new justin that just started. heh. can't wait to see linda on wednesday.



Today i took my new shoes out for a stroll. only 2 miles total travel,
but i haven't been out in a while. I'm thinking that a little more
support might have been good, but man are they
comfortable! And i'm feeling it already, hopefully tomorrow i
will be able to stand up and all that jazz. eh. it'll be splendid. i'm


making out like a bandit.

Oh holy crap! Blogger looks different.

Today was a shopping-filled day! Totally got a new pair of running shoes. I'll try them out tomorrow. I also had a double dose of Target today as well. yay for microfiber socks! the second trip provided yoga blocks & strap along with a new purse and a pedometer. The mall was very productive. Shoes, and a bob marley patch. Well, that was basically it. I got chocolate and then it compeletely melted in the truck because I absolutley had to stop by Barnes & Noble. I now have 12 Russian stories in Russain & English. Score.

it felt like i got a lot more than that, must have been all the running clothes that i bought but decided not to buy. way too much of the trying on of clothes today. much too much.


for emily.

Things I would take if I were going to run away (hm. future hypothetical?)

*huge-ass water bottle
*running shoes
*herbert, the hungry-hungry hippo.
*my shoe-box of hs/acada memories/diploma
*Paul (computer)
*i'm debating over cds vs. mp3's that paul has.
*graphing calculator
*anton's calculus: sixth edition + calc I notes.
*size I crochet hook (green)
*a new regular & supersized buttbook
*three mechanical pencils and a minimum of ten pens.
*toothbrush + toothpaste + shampoo + conditioner + soap.
I can live without shaving or makeup, but these are things i need.

I have not resolved the clothing issue. How many clothes do you take with you when you run away?


you fall on your knees
you beg, you plead
can i be somebody else
for all the times i hate myself?
your failures devour your heart
in every hour, you're drowning
in your imperfection

also, wtf, chad? where's my fucking raise?


apparently i re-learned how to curse.

i just found out that my university offers a study abroad program in morocco. where i could learn arabic. i'm so fucking happy right now. now, how to convince my parents that it's a good idea...

also, my russian professor's going to be so fucking pissed at me when i get back to school. I haven't been studying russian at all. oops.

i also think its' bad when all you can think of when you say "oops" is "our own people spit" damn high school and ... nevermind.


my mom just told me to stop laughing because i was distracting her. go figure

mmm for mexican villa & queso dip.

according to my mom, since i'm reading "creating an islamic state" all i have to do to be on an fbi watchlist is search for "how to make a bomb" i wonder if searching for information about chadors or burquas count.

Kyle never lets me out of work on time, he either makes me go home early or i have to stay after 15 minutes because he didn't pull me early enough to count out my drawer. wtf, mate? There's this girl at work, Krista. I wasn't sure if i liked her before, but i've decided that i do. she's so friendly and able to talk to anyone that it's freaking scary.



i am so pissed off at my mom right now
i wanted to go to bed like three hours ago, but i also wanted to do this yoga tape, but i don't want to do it when anyone can walk in on me, so i was waiting for her to go to bed. but no, she stays up until one-thirty in the freaking morning. why the ... arg. i'm out now.


wow, i need to sleep.

"Oh they're talking about the oil used to fry. Apparently it's got a lot of fat in it"
i love my dad.

my friends got hitched beautifully. It's weird that so many people from my graduating class are getting married, but this is one that i 100% agree with and support. I love both morgan & susan so much and wish them nothing but happiness.

It was awesome to be able to see roommate amelia again. I bought AM & PM yoga from target and have done both programs. It's gonna be good, i've lost a lot of flexablilty since ... before. But i'm super-excited to improve now.

Also, I got new glasses, and i can see for the first time in like two weeks. score.

While I was in KC, I finally finished Reading Lolita In Tehran. It is a great book. Today at the library I picked up Creating An Islamic State and Madame Bovary Both because of Nafisi's book.

Today I got that pesky menengoccocal vaccine. yeah. try to google that, be-yoch! and now my arm is sore, but due to that danged law, I have to to live in the dorm next year.

yoga time.


"do you have a customer cash card"?

oh wait, i guess that should be "Do you have a CU$TOMER CA$H card?" although it could be worse, i suppose -- "Do you have a KU$TOMER KA$H card?" or something equally horendous.

Hm... So I think I should write something before i head out for the weekend. um... middle of the week. whatever. I'm off for three days and no matter which three days of the week those days off are, they are my weekend. I'm headed up to KC tomorrow, to see an old roommate, then we're going to a wedding. Lots-o-fun. I have to drive up there which i'm not exactly looking forward to, i'm not really a fan of driving, but it should give me some time to think about what i would need to run away.

I got to play "carry out" today for the last hour of work, which was a relief, because i didn't have to deal with people as much.

oh, i went wandering there for a minute. and lastly, before i sign off, a link, that goes well with reading lolita in tehran. Blogging gives Iranian Women A Voice

if you have no interest in the middle east, you'll either have to forgive me or move on. I'm not making you decide now though.



dreaming again.

if you were running away, what would you absolutely need to take?


no probalo.

my sister & her husband are visiting for the holiday weekend. unfortunatly i have to work through it. so, um. i'm gonna go burn some music and get some sleep.
